Write For Us

Write For Us

You, of course. We want to add new writers all the time. Let us know about your idea if you think it will make our people think and help our field move forward. You don’t have to wait for a big idea that will change the way websites are made, though. Just try to give people a new way to look at something that’s bothering you.

But let’s be honest: it’s hard work to write for techtimesss. We’ll push you to make your work the best it can be. Once you’re accepted, our team will give you a lot of feedback, and you’ll work closely with an editor to make changes.

It also feels good. Thousands of your peers, as well as possible employers, clients, or authors, will read your work. You’ll also learn a lot—about writing, about getting your ideas across, and even about the subject you thought you knew a lot about before you started.

What we need to find

You can send us a rough draft, a part of a draft, or a short pitch with an outline. A short pitch is one or two paragraphs that summarize your point and why it’s important to our readers. The more information you give us, the better comments we can give you. Keep in mind that we only print original work—nothing that has already been published anywhere else, not even on your blog.

Before you send it in, read our style guide and current articles to get ideas on how to structure and write it. Also, make sure that your submission:

  • Not just a list of tips and tricks; it has a thesis and a clear case.
  • Can speak. Be brave, interesting, and real.
  • It’s meant for people who work as designers, developers, content planners, information architects, or similar jobs.
  • is backed up by strong arguments, not just personal views. Check your facts and give credit to sources when needed.
  • Sticks to our style guide.

Read “Writing is Thinking” for some smart words on how to write. Also, read “So You Want to Write an Article?” to find out what mistakes we see a lot in entries and how to avoid them.

What we publish

Articles that we publish can be anywhere from 600 to 2,000 words long, based on how hard the subject is. About 1,000 to 1,500 words is the normal. Articles often come with their own illustrations. Articles can have a casual tone and content, which works well for tutorials and posts that aren’t too in-depth, or they can be carefully organized and edited. All of them should be well-thought-out looks at hot and trending web industry themes.

How to send

Send us your entry by email. We’d rather receive entries as Google documents so that editors can easily give you feedback and help right in your draft. 

(Please don’t send a ZIP file of images unless an editor asks you to.)

What takes place after you click Send:

  • Your entry will be looked at by an editor who will decide if it might be a good fit. If so, the whole team will look it over and talk about it. 
  • The editor will get back to you with notes after getting feedback from the team. (If we’re interested in your story, we’ll let you know.)
  • Send us your updated draft once you’ve thought about our suggestions. The team will discuss it again and let you know if we want to accept it.
  • If we accept your piece, an editor will work closely with you on things like organization, argumentation, and style.
  • We’ll schedule you for publishing as soon as revisions are complete. We can’t give you a specific publication date until the story is almost ready to go live.